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How to rush effectively with zerglings

This rush is an easy build that can work well against almost anyone.

The first thing you need to know is that it is a fast build, so it can usually beat one player, whether you're in a 1v1, 2v2, etc.  The key is timing, but all I'm going to explain is the build order.

To start this build, you'll want to build one drone (after other drones start mining).  Now after that you can go two ways, 8 pool or 9 pool.  If you 8 pool, you are basically reducing the time on this build, but you'll be a little less productive if you end up going into late-game.  I recommend the 8 pool, since it is so fast you can almost always get to the enemy base before anything useful gets out (marines/zealots/lings).  So, build drones according to your plan (watch supply for 8 or 9) then make a spawning pool.  After that, make two drones, regardless of 8 or 9 pool, then an overlord.  If you 8 pool, the overlord should pop up about 5 seconds before your spawning pool.  A little longer if you 9 pool, since you got minerals faster.  After the ovie comes, wait for the spawning pool, and you should have 3 larvae if your timing was good.  You will also have the available minerals.  Make 6 lings and then a queen.

The build from there is your choice, and you can actually win if you micro your zerglings effectively against your opponent.  Good luck!

02 Nov 2010 | Comments (0)
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