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Starcraft 2 - how to beat terran as zerg

As a Zerg player, it can often feel hopeless winning against Terran mech. In this guide, I will present a fool-proof way to beat Terran players as Zerg in a 1v1 match-up.

When playing a Terran player as Zerg, there are a few things you can take advantage of. First off, note that no self-respecting Terran player would attempt to rush a Zerg player in a 1v1 match-up. Here is how nearly every Zerg vs Terran match plays out at a high level:

1. Terran goes for a timed Hellion push.

2. Zerg player techs for Mutalisks, Roaches, or Hydralisks.

3. Terran player significantly slows down the Zerg player with Hellion push and is able to produce Tanks and Thors by the time Hydralisk/Roaches or Mutalisks are ready.

You can bank on this occuring 90% of the time in the higher leagues. Sometimes Terran players will cheese with a Banshee rush, but this strategy also accounts for that.

Since you can bank on your enemy going mech and can always change for air or infantry, here is a good Zerg "counter" to Terran mech:

1. Opt for a 14-15 Pool and 16 Hatchery build order. You are not likely to be rushed. Of course, scout to fend off any cheese and adjust strategy as necessary.

2. Place 2 Spine Crawlers directly up against both of your Hatcheries. This will fend off any Hellions. They must be placed perfectly or this does not work.

3. Tech quickly and pump out 2-3 Infestors and a handful of Zerglings. Keep teching.

Here is where it gets interesting. Since you are able to stop Hellions cold with a few Spine Crawlers, the enemy will do one of two things; he will either go for MM for quick win or try to turn out a Siege Tank or two and come back in.

If the enemy comes back with Infantry, use Fungal Growth on them. The root plus 36 damage over 8 seconds will have Marines dead in a few seconds flat. Use your Queens to heal (transfusion) your Spore Crawlers against any Marauders that survive. Use your Zerglings as well, but only after Fungal Growth has snagged the Marines and nearly killed them.

If you see your enemy is making Tanks, build a few Mutalisks (no more than a few though, you will need gas) and keep teching. When you see a Siege Tank come into range, use your Mutalisks in a suicide mission to take them out. Use Infestors, Queens, and Spine Crawlers to defend your main base.

Now, the whole point of all of this is to tech towards Ultralisks. You will want about 5 of them, and since Zerg can very efficiently defend their base with a few Spine Crawlers, Infestors, and Queens, the gas should not be that expensive.

Now, roll in with 5+ Ultralisks, 3-4 Infestors, and as many Zerglings as you can make. I have found that this works nearly all the time versus Terran Mech builds. You need to do a little bit of micro once combat starts though:

Before you send in your Ultralisks, use your Infestors to Frenzy them. This makes them do 25% more damage and really adds up. Next, once the battle starts, drop Fungal Growth all over the place. The root will increase the efficacy of the Ultralisks and Zerglings since they are melee units.

Thirdly, make sure you send in your Zerglings after you send in your Ultralisks. This will prevent them from getting picked off instantly by Siege Tanks and Hellions.

Finally, and this is key, as soon as the chaos of battle ensues, be sure to mind control any Thors via Neural Parasite. Even if they are only kept out of the game for a few seconds, it is key to prevent 250mm Strike Cannon from killing off your Ultralisks before the Ultralisks take out the tanks.

I realize that Ultralisks are very unpopular, but I have used this strategy very successfully in diamond 1v1 matches. Note that the Ultralisk not only does splash damage but also deals bonus damage to armored units. Thirty damage dealing in a splash radius allows 5 Frenzied Ultralisks to take out a group of Siege Tanks in literally 2 seconds. Give it a try before you knock it.

Read on for more Starcraft 2 Zerg vs Terran strategy.

20 Jun 2010 | Comments (0)
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