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2nd phase of the stacraft 2 beta - more information

 by Jame

Apparently, the 2nd phase of the SC2 Beta will start shortly before the game hits the shelves (probably a couple of weeks before).

The start of the 2nd phase will go along with a full character / ladders wipe, a new patch, and sadly, all replays prior to this patch will no longer be viewable.

This is a sad piece of news for us, since we've already got so many epic SC2 Replays in the site. Hopefully we'll find a way to make those old replays watchable, if not, well I'm sure there will be a LOT more awesome replays once the game finally ships!

We'll be counting on all of you SC2 fans out there to bring here all the cool replays you can find!

Source: Blue Post

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07 Jun 2010 | Comments (0)
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