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3.5 / 5 starstarstarstarstar ( 4 votes )

How to counter zergling/banelingrush: as terran

Still build the choke, but put in one bunker on the larger side of the choke. This will force his banelings to attack the bunker, wasting their damage on a 100 mineral building with 400 HP and since the building is attacking them, they will go for the bunker first rather than your units.

This should repel the initial attack.

Also, going with two factories, one pumping Hellions and one pumping tanks (then use this factory's tech lab to research the +10 damage for Hellion) will completely counter the Banelings + Zerglings.
The hellion will do 22 damage against light units, making them 3-shot banelings and 2-shot zerglings. GG. Then move on to tanks because it's likely the Zerg will go either Hydras or Mutalisk.

And you need to push them as early as possible.

25 Mar 2010 | Comments (3)
Tags : counter  

Oversear wrote (2010-03-25 22:30:34)

avatar Hydralisk

mm ty for the feed bakc O_o jame ill think about the screen shot thig =) i dont have a beta key so i might be kinda hard for me

+1 up rate down rate

Jame wrote (2010-03-25 15:47:58)

avatar Thor guide with a copper shield awardedguide with a copper shield awardedguide with a copper shield awardedguide with a copper shield awarded shields awarded

Very short, but useful guide.

However, it would be 10 times better if you could add a picture to show the actual positioning of the bunker as you describe it in the guide.

  0 up rate down rate

Seven wrote (2010-03-25 07:26:36)

avatar Brutalisk

Nice write-up, Oversear. I think it's awesome how you did this after I did my baneling break guide.  It's like we're thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time :P

Its important to know how much information you need, as the terran, to know if the zerg is doing this build. Keep your scv in their base as long as possible, and note how many lings they are making.  If you lose your first scv, don't hesitate to send a second one to count his lings. If he's not making any more drones (and thus, exponential increase in lings), then he might be going for it. Of course, scouting the early baneling nest helps a lot.

Don't forget, however, that hellions are light, which banelings do +20 against. So make sure you don't mis-micro any of them, or you will have a tough time trying to pump enough hellions to stop an "all-in" zerg, committing all his larva to lings.

It helps to understand, as a terran, that simply defending from this attack would put you ahead already.

+2 up rate down rate

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